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The Aerial Arts Hub

The Aerial Arts Hub is a platform for the aerial and pole community to discover studios, coaches, performers, brands, and other useful resources all over the world. It was created with the aim to be up-to-date, inclusive, accessible, and completely free.

Disclaimer: If you use the platform, please be aware that featured studios, brands and events are not inherently endorsed but merely showcased. Before signing up for or making a purchase from any of the featured entities, please do your own research!

Get in touch

You can reach out with questions, feedback or contributions to [email protected] or get in touch via Instagram.

Follow our journey

The Aerial Arts Hub is a passion project of amateur aerialist and self-taught developer Yaiza Canopoli. She has been chronicling her journey developing it in a newsletter—you can subscribe over at theaerialartshub.substack.com. You can also follow The Aerial Arts Hub on Instagram.

If you enjoy using the platform and want to support it, you can consider becoming a paid subscriber to the newsletter. đź’–


At The Aerial Arts Hub, we stand against genocide and occupation, and in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We therefore do not feature, endorse or otherwise support any studios, coaches, performers, brands or other aerial and pole entities associated with Israel.

Sex work positivity

We acknowledge the roots of pole dance in strip, the impact that sex workers have had and continue to have on pole, and the stigma many sex workers face in their daily lives on top of the material and legal difficulties that often come with the work. We love pole as a hobby and sport, but we are also first and foremost a sex work-positive platform, and we will always support and stand in solidarity with sex workers in the pole and aerial scene.